About Us

Fewer, more productive interviews because we listen to both sides. This has been the foundation on which New England Personnel of Hartford, LLC was built. A company is only as successful as the talent they hire. Today hundreds of companies would substantiate that their success is due in large measure to the talent they hired through New England Personnel. Thousands of candidates have been introduced to new careers and positions, many rocketing to top positions with the help of New England Personnel’s expertise. We not only provide the introduction to the employer, but make certain each interview is a triumphant success. No matter on what side of the interviewing desk you sit, you can count on our track record of repeatedly making permanent placement matches that last.

Kathryn Clark

It’s pretty simple, really. I just love my job! Knowing what a kick it is to love what you do, I want every applicant that we place to share those same feelings about the job and company in which we place them. (more…)

Tom Melanson

Here’s a little background on what we at New England Personnel are all about and what sets us apart from what might seem to be similar employment services. (more…)

Here is a sample of positions we represent & fill.



  • CORPORATE (Management, Professional & Administrative)

  • FINANCIAL (All Levels)

  • HEALTHCARE (Management & Staff levels)


  • MANUFACTURING (Management, Professional & Administrative)